Follow in the footsteps of Carrie Bradshaw, and visit the famous apartment stoop from Sex and the City. A replica of this iconic set piece is popping up at the David Jones Dome in Chadstone Shopping Centre. It’s coming to Melbourne to celebrate the 25th anniversary of Sex and the City, as well as the second season of the TV series, And Just Like That. Get excited and visit Carrie Bradshaw’s apartment stoop from Thursday June 8 to Sunday June 11.
Carrie Bradshaw’s apartment stoop replica
To the untrained eye, it’s just some steps. But to fans of Sex and the City, it serves as the backdrop to Carrie’s many adventures and key moments. And now, you don’t need to fly to New York City to live out your TV fantasies. Just head to Chadstone and see this replica, which is 4.8m tall and 2.2m wide. Head up the steps, channel your inner Carrie, and take some happy snaps.
Meanwhile, get excited for the second season of And Just Like That, the next chapter of the beloved Sex and the City. Follow Carrie (Sarah Jessica Parker), Miranda (Cynthia Nixon) and Charlotte (Kristin Davis) as they navigate the complicated reality of life and friendship in their 50s. And Just Like That will have a double-episode premiere on Thursday June 22 on Binge. The remaining nine episodes will then premiere weekly on Thursdays.
Check out the trailer below:
Visit Carrie Bradshaw’s apartment stoop from 11am to 3pm and 5pm to 9pm on Thursday June 8 and Friday June 9. If you’re heading to Chadstone on the weekend, check it out from 11am to 3pm on Saturday and Sunday.