Your train is leaving in one minute. As you rush towards the gate, myki firmly in hand, you touch on confidently. But – alas! You’ve got a negative balance, and the barriers won’t let you through. Defeated, you trudge grumpily to the top up station, knowing that by the time you’re done, you’ll have missed the train. If this sounds familiar, you’ll be glad to know that the myki system is getting an overhaul. It will soon evolve to give you more options, including tapping on with a credit card, debit card or digital wallet. Trials will begin in 2024.
Changes to myki system
A new $1.7 billion ticketing contract has been signed to improve the myki system. Minister for Public Transport Ben Carroll announced that the state’s public transport ticketed system will soon be operated by Conduent Business Services. This company has delivered and now operates over 400 ticketing systems across 24 countries, including cities like Paris, Dubai, Montreal and New Jersey. The new contract will begin on December 1, 2023, and will run for 15 years.
“This new ticketing contract is an important step in the evolution of myki as a future-proofed ticket to travel on Victoria’s world-class public transport system,” said Minister for Public Transport Ben Carroll.
The contract aims to make myki more efficient and effective. New features will be added progressively, so that Victorian travellers can transition easily. Improvements include adding to the existing payment options, and allowing passengers to tap on and off with their credit or debit card, and pay with a digital wallet on a smartphone or smart watch. Apple users won’t have to miss out anymore, as these changes will apply to both Apple and Android users.
The current myki contract with NTT Data expires on November 30.
For more information, click here.